From python, kong has an API that is very similar to the REPL. You can get an instance like

import kong
state = kong.get_instance()

state.create_job(command="sleep 10")

Create an instance of kong.state.State, by reading the default config, and preparing the database. The returned state object can be used for stateful work with the kong database.


state object


class kong.state.State(config: kong.config.Config, cwd: kong.model.folder.Folder)

The state class provides a stateful interface to the kong database. This is modeled closely after the interactive pseudo-shell from kong.repl.Repl, but is pure python. (Actually, kong.repl.Repl is implemented entirely on top of kong.state.State, with argument parsing and result printing)

Many functions accept a JobSpec parameter. This can be one of:

  • A job id (i.e. 1234)

  • A job range in the form 1111..9999, which will select job ids within the range inclusively

  • A path to a folder (i.e. /a/b/c). If this is the case, most methods have a recursive argument to instruct collection of jobs from the folder and it’s descendants.

__init__(config: kong.config.Config, cwd: kong.model.folder.Folder) → None

Initializer for the state class. Takes an instance of kong.config.Config and a current working directory to start out in.

  • config – The config to initialize with

  • cwd – Current working directory to start in

cd(target: Union[str, kong.model.folder.Folder] = '.') → None

Change the current working directory.


target – String path or folder instance to change into.

create_job(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)kong.model.job.Job

Create a job with the default driver. Passes through any arguments to the driver

  • args – Positional arguments

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments


The created Job

get_folders(pattern: str) → List[kong.model.folder.Folder]

Helper method to select jobs from a pattern.


pattern – Glob like pattern to select folders.


List of selected folders

classmethod get_instance()kong.state.State

Create an instance of kong.state.State, by reading the default config, and preparing the database. The returned state object can be used for stateful work with the kong database.


state object

get_jobs(name: Union[str, int, kong.model.job.Job], recursive: bool = False) → List[kong.model.job.Job]

Helper method to select jobs from a path, range or instance.

  • name – Identifies one or more jobs

  • recursive – Select jobs recursively, i.e. follow folders and collect all jobs on the way


A list with all collected jobs.

kill_job(name: Union[str, int, kong.model.job.Job], recursive: bool = False, confirm: Callable[[str], bool] = <function YES>) → None

Terminate execution of one or more jobs.

  • name – Path or job id

  • confirm – Confirmation callback. Defaults to YES

  • recursive – If True, will recursively select jobs for termination. Required if path is a n actual path.

ls(path: str = '.', refresh: bool = False, recursive: bool = False) → Tuple[List[kong.model.folder.Folder], List[kong.model.job.Job]]

Lists the current directory content.

  • path – The path to list the content for

  • refresh – FLag to indicate whether job statuses should be refreshed

  • recursive – Descend into the folder hierarchy to find all jobs to list


List of folders and list of jobs found

mkdir(path: str, exist_ok: bool = False, create_parent: bool = False) → Optional[kong.model.folder.Folder]

Make a directory at the given path

  • path – The relative or absolute path to create

  • exist_ok – If True, there will be no error if the folder already exists.

  • create_parent – Create all parent directories of path if they don’t exist


The folder if one was created

mv(source: Union[str, kong.model.job.Job, kong.model.folder.Folder], dest: Union[str, kong.model.folder.Folder]) → List[Union[kong.model.job.Job, kong.model.folder.Folder]]
  • source – The object to move, can be a path, job object or folder object

  • dest – The object to move to. If source is a job, this can be a folder. If source is a folder, and dest is a folder, source will be moved into dest. If dest does not exist, source will be renamed to dest.


List of moved objects

pushd(folder: Union[Folder, str]) → Iterator[None]

Contextmanager to temporarily change the current working directory.


folder – Folder instance or path string to change into

refresh_jobs(jobs: List[kong.model.job.Job]) → Sequence[kong.model.job.Job]

Refresh a list of jobs and retrieve their current status.


jobs – List of jobs to refresh


Updated job instances

resubmit_job(name: Union[str, int, kong.model.job.Job], confirm: Callable[[str], bool] = <function YES>, recursive: bool = False, failed_only: bool = False) → None

Resubmit one or more jobs. This causes them to run with the same settings as before.

  • name – Path or job id

  • confirm – Confirmation callback. Defaults to YES

  • recursive – If True, will recursively select jobs for resubmission. Required if path is a n actual path.

  • failed_only – If True only select jobs in the FAILED state for resubmission.

rm(name: Union[str, kong.model.job.Job, kong.model.folder.Folder], recursive: bool = False, confirm: Callable[[str], bool] = <function State.<lambda>>, threads: Optional[int] = 1) → bool

Remove jobs or folders.

  • name – A path, job or folder

  • recursive – Recursively delete from path. Needed to remove a directory

  • confirm – Callback to confirm. Defaults to True, i.e. will confirm automatically


Whether the object at path was removed or not.

submit_job(name: Union[str, int, kong.model.job.Job], confirm: Callable[[str], bool] = <function YES>, recursive: bool = False) → None

Submit one or more jobs using the driver it was created with. This will cause it to execute.

  • name – Path or job id

  • confirm – Confirmation callback. Defaults to YES

  • recursive – If True, will recursively select jobs for submission. Required if path is a n actual path.

wait(jobspecs: Sequence[Union[str, int, kong.model.job.Job]], recursive: bool = False, notify: bool = True, timeout: Optional[int] = None, poll_interval: Optional[int] = None, update_interval: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, progress: bool = False) → Optional[Iterable[List[kong.model.job.Job]]]

Wait for completion of a number of job

  • jobspec – Selector for jobs, string path, job instance or folder instance

  • recursive – Select jobs recursively

  • notify – Notify on completion of wait

  • timeout – Error out after a certain time

  • poll_interval – How often to poll the driver for updates

  • update_interval – How often to send update notificationa

  • progress – If True, return progress information as an iterable


An iterable if progress is True, else None.

class kong.config.Config(data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Class to handle loading the config data from disk.

__init__(data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) → None

Initalize method for the config. Will load the config file from the app directory (OS dependant)


data – Dictionary with pre-loaded data. Will be used as is if provided (optional)


class kong.model.folder.Folder(*args, **kwargs)

Represents a folder in the internal hierarchy for organizing jobs.

  • folder_id – The ID of a folder instance

  • name – Name of this folder instance

  • parent – Points to the parent instance of this folder. Can be None for the root folder

  • created_at – Timestamp of creation of this folder instance

  • updated_at – When the instance was last updated.


alias of FolderDoesNotExist

add_folder(name: str)kong.model.folder.Folder

Add a subfolder to this folder instance.


name – Name of the new folder name (without /)


The new folder instance

static find_by_path(path: str, cwd: Optional[Folder] = None) → Optional[kong.model.folder.Folder]

Retrieve a folder instance by path

  • path – Path to the folder

  • cwd – Directory to start working from, defaults to root folder


The found folder or None if the path doesn’t exist

folders_recursive() → Iterable[kong.model.folder.Folder]

Recursively find all folders below this one.


All folders in the hierarchy from this folder. (Excludes this folder)

classmethod get_root()kong.model.folder.Folder

Retrieve the root folder (/). There can be only one.


Root folder instance

jobs_recursive() → Iterable[kong.model.job.Job]

Recursively get all jobs in this folder and descendants.


Iterable over all jobs found, including jobs directly in this folder.

property path

The path to this folder


The path

subfolder(name: str) → Optional[kong.model.folder.Folder]

Retrieve a direct subfolder of this folder instance


name – The unqualified name of the subfolder to retrieve.


Folder instance if name exists, else None

class kong.model.job.Job(*args, **kwargs)

Class representing a single job.

  • job_id – The ID of a job instance

  • batch_job_id – The job ID that the driver asigned. For batch systems, this is the internal ID of the batch system.

  • driver – Holds the driver class used to create the job

  • folder – The folder in which this job is located

  • command – The command string the job (will) execute

  • data – Arbitrary data store that drivers use to persist relevant information

  • status – Currently synced status of the job. This is only updated if the driver’s sync method is used

  • created_at – When this job was created

  • updated_at – When this job was last updated

  • cores – Number of cores the job is supposed to run. Is not necessarily honored by all drivers.

  • memory – Amount of memory to allocate for the job. Is not necessarily honored by all drivers.


alias of JobDoesNotExist

class Status(value)

Status enum which lists the various status types The exact meaning might vary from driver to driver.

  • UNKNOWN – Catch all status which cannot be mapped

  • CREATED – Job was created in the database, but not submitted yet

  • SUBMITTED – Job has been launched via a driver, but might not run yet

  • RUNNING – The job is currently executing

  • FAILED – The job terminated abnormally

  • COMPLEETD – The job completed successfully.

property driver_instance

Get the driver instance of this job. There might not be one (yet)


Driver instance

ensure_driver_instance(arg: Union[kong.drivers.driver_base.DriverBase, kong.config.Config]) → None

Makes sure a driver instance is available to this job.


arg – Either a config object or an explicit driver instance.


Get the current status of the job. Will synchronize first.


The updated status.


Kill this job.

property log_dir

Get the log directory of this jobs


The log directory

property output_dir

Get the output directory of this job.


The output directory


Remove this job using the driver instance attached to the job.


Resubmit this job.

size(ex: Optional[concurrent.futures._base.Executor] = None) → int

Retrieve the size of the job output.


ex – An executor like concurrent.futures.Executor. If None, will execute serially


Job output size in bytes.


Convenience context manager to open a read file handle to the job’s stderr.


Convenience context manager to open a read file handle to the job’s stdout.


Submit this job using the driver instance set on it.

wait(timeout: Optional[int] = None)

Wait for completion of this job


timeout – If set to a number, will raise a TimeoutError after that time